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Welcome and thanks for visiting! I hope you’ll stay a while. DSCN8770

A quick blurb about me– I’m a hopeless romantic living in a Thomas the Train world and I write contemporary and historical romance and non-fiction for the inspirational (CBA) market. I’m a sinner saved by the Grace of God, a wife by blessing, a mother by miracle, and a teacher and writer by trade.

I hope you’ll take a moment and browse, get to know me, and chime in on the conversations going on at the blog. I’d love to hear from you! I hope you’ll benefit, be inspired, and learn a little something while you are here.

You’ll find a little of everything I love within these pages, including my passion for Jesus Christ, writing, romance, family, parenting, religions, and chocolate. All kinds of chocolate. I don’t discriminate.

Please feel free to contact me any time! My information can be found under the “Contact” tab above.

Again, thanks for visiting. Y’all come back soon!